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Academic Enhancements

A complete education means supporting the whole student. Discover the many ways Carolina helps students succeed at every level of their higher-education journey.

Academic Advising Program

Carolina’s Academic Advising Program assists undergraduate students in the General College and the College of Arts & Sciences with all aspects of academic planning and decision-making, including selecting a major, choosing appropriate courses and ensuring progress toward a degree. Students are assigned a primary advisor but may see any advisor for their concerns.

Center for Student Success and Academic Counseling

CSSAC helps Carolina students develop the skills and strategies necessary to succeed academically at Carolina. Its broad range of programs helps prepare students to become the next generation of leaders. The center’s programs include:

Student Academic Counseling
Student Academic Counseling offers academic and personal support to all students, including individual academic counseling appointments and guidance for student-led initiatives and projects. Additionally, the unit provides programs and activities that promote academic excellence, increase retention and improve the campus climate for diversity among American Indian and African American undergraduate students.

SAC’s Peer Mentoring program offers three areas of support: Peer mentors help first-year minority students adjust to Carolina academically and developmentally through relationship building, support and guidance through the Minority Advising ProgramC-STEP Mentoring pairs current C-STEP students with incoming low- and middle-income college transfer students; and Carolina Covenant Mentoring pairs incoming Covenant students with current Covenant scholars to ensure holistic success on campus.

The Learning Center
The Learning Center helps students optimize learning strategies to achieve their academic potential at Carolina through its various programs, including peer tutoring for many introductory courses, one-on-one academic coaching, and the Academic Success Program for Students with LD and ADHD.

The Writing Center
The Writing Center provides free services for students seeking help with their writing skills, including online and face-to-face coaching appointments with graduate and undergraduate students specially trained in writing instruction. The center also features a wealth of handouts and videos and additional services for non-native English speaking students and scholars.

Summer Bridge
Summer Bridge is a seven-week residential academic support program for a select group of entering first-year students, designed to ease participants’ personal and academic transition from high school to Carolina.

Pre-Graduate School Advising
Pre-Graduate School Advising, located in Hanes Hall, provides undergraduate students in the College of Arts & Sciences with guidance on researching and applying to graduate programs. Advisors can help clarify the differences between a doctorate and a master’s degree and the opportunities a terminal degree may offer.

Pre-health Advising
Although Carolina has no formal pre-health curriculum or major, students interested in a career in health sciences are strongly encouraged to visit the Health Professions Advising Office soon after their first semester for information on course requirements and other preparations for the field. The office gives advice about many health professions, including allopathic medicine, osteopathic medicine, podiatric medicine, dentistry, nursing, pharmacy, physical therapy, and veterinary medicine. Advising information, advising hours, and information about joining the pre-health information listserv may be found on the office’s website.

Library System

Carolina’s library system is one of the premier libraries in the South. It includes the House Undergraduate Library, Davis Library, the Wilson Special Collections Library, the Health Sciences Library and multiple libraries with subject specialties – all open to the public. The University Libraries website provides access to scholarly research materials including e-journals, e-books, citation guides and online research assistance through e-mail, chat, and text messaging services.

Research Institutes and Centers

The intellectual life of the University and the research activities of undergraduates, graduate students and faculty receive valuable support from many institutes and centers. These institutes do not operate as instructional agencies within the University; rather, they serve to obtain financial and organizational assistance for their scholar-members. Most research centers and institutes can be found on the UNC Research website.

Scholarly Journals

The University has published scholarly journals since 1884, when the Journal of the Elisha Mitchell Scientific Society first appeared. The following list contains some of the publications currently produced by the University’s graduate and professional programs.

American Diplomacy. Journal for commentary, analysis and research on American foreign policy and its practice.

Annali d’Italianistica. Journal promotes the study of Italian literature in its cultural context, fosters scholarly excellence and presents topics of interest to a large number of Italianists.

Carolina Papers in International Health and Development. Series of UNC–Chapel Hill graduate student working papers designed to promote scholarship in the fields of health and development and to raise awareness of such issues among international studies specialists.

North Carolina Law Review. Published by the School of Law to stimulate research and publication by faculty and students.

Studies in the Romance Languages and Literatures. Publication has long supported and disseminated scholarship in the romance literatures.

The University of North Carolina Press

The University of North Carolina Press is the primary scholarly publishing arm of the University. It advances the research, teaching, and public service missions of a great public university by publishing excellent work from leading scholars, writers and intellectuals and by presenting that work to both academic audiences and general readers.

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